I Made a Pun on the Kathy Griffin Photo — Here’s My Video Apology
Okay, the Kathy Griffin photo was pretty gross. But Trump and crew can hardly take the high ground when it comes to cruelty. From his joking that Clinton should be shot to White House guest Ted Nugent’s death wishes on Clinton and Obama, we’re not going to feel sorry for Donald Trump. And now the political right is up in arms? Really, snowflakes? Aren’t you being a bunch of politically correct whiners?
Still, the beheaded photo was not something I would have done. (Although if I had done it, no one would have noticed.) But I was quite willing to make a pun on the whole thing, which I posted on Facebook. It said, “He should be-headed to prison.” You get it.
Suddenly, people were outraged at my insensitivity. Well, I should say a person was outraged — a person who is probably troll. He calls himself “Danny,” but his real name may be “Dimitri.” His being a Russian troll would make sense because if English is not your first language, it’s hard to get puns.
Furthermore, he tried to shame me as a fellow Jewish person for making such a heartless remark. So I figure he is a Trump troll who targets Jewish people. Considering most Jewish people I know are strong-minded and unwavering, it must be the least successful trolling operation out there.
Since my pun was causing quite minor upheaval, I did what Kathy Griffin was forced to do: render an apology. Here is that video apology.