I Was Wrong to Use “Alt-Left”
I have issues with a small, fringe segment of the left to whom Democrats are the true enemy and spend much of their time tearing Democrats apart for not being pure and perfect. This is the loud, small group who said Hillary is no better or barely better than Trump up to and through November 8th — even when the whiff of white supremacy was in the air — and I find that hard to forgive. These are the folks who pound on me online for being a “corporate Democrat neolib shill.” I don’t even own a single stock and we “neolibs” just fought to preserve government-subsidized healthcare, but it’s fine, I’m used to it.
I do give these folks a ton of credit in battling against inequality and the corruption of 1% capitalism. However, many of them assert that every ill is caused by capitalism, including racism. I don’t really buy that simple explanation. For instance, I googled “capitalism caused the Armenian Genocide” and got zero hits.
I want to admit, though, that I have done much wrong myself and have gotten out of control and mean in my anger towards these few. A couple of times I have even made the terrible mistake of referring to them as the “alt-left,” which is clearly adding fuel to a fire that hurts all of us and is being abused by Trump and the real enemies. I promise never to do that again. So, henceforth, I will call them “wackadoodles”