Oprah for President? Ridiculous. Or Not?

Prior to November 2016, I would have considered the idea of Oprah as president to be downright silly. But now? She would be one hundred trillion times better than who we have. And just maybe her appeal would work and lead Democrats to victory.
After all, Americans respond to star power. They like government outsiders because those outsiders are not dragged down by a political record; there is less to attack there. Considering all this, it makes sense to suggest Oprah Winfrey.
Many, though, slam the idea and say that she does not have the right qualifications and experience. True. But many of these same people rejected the woman with qualifications and experience. They said she wasn’t likable. As an antidote, even Michael Moore after the last election suggested that we should run our beloved people, such as Tom Hanks or Oprah. Who can blame anyone for considering that route? “Okay, you say you want charismatic? We’ll give you charismatic.” Now, of course, when warm and charismatic are offered, suddenly people say they want qualified and experienced.
When I see talk on social media about the Oprah prospect, it is disparaging, and even brutal toward her. This is the case even though Winfrey has many talents that would be great in a leader, such as being a master orator. In fact, she fits quite neatly into what many, over the last few years, have claimed they want to see in a president. I cannot count how many times I have heard the following:
“We want someone outside government to shake things up.”
“We want someone who has succeeded in business.”
“We want someone who inspires.”
“How about Oprah Winfrey?”
Hm. I guess the nation only wanted these things if they came in the form of an incompetent, barely literate, pathological white man.
The truth is that if voters liked the idea of a business leader and government outsider, Trump was the wrong pick. Oprah was the right one. For instance:
When Oprah says she is a self-made billionaire, it is not a lie.
Oprah is an actual successful business person who did not file for bankruptcy five times.
When she gives to charitable causes, she really does give to charitable causes.
And …
She IS a stable genius.
It’s not just that Oprah would be better than the current president. The truth is that when it comes to character and intelligence, she is on such a superior level to Donald Trump that they are not even in the same galaxy. I regret that I even have put their names in such close proximity here.
But let’s be real: Oprah will not run for President. Why would she do that to herself? But at this point, is the proposal so insane? No, it is not. Of late, it may be one of the saner things I have heard.